Does Your House Contain Asbestos?

This is a question that a lot of people find themselves trying to answer when they look around their own home. Your home is supposed to be a place of warmth, peace and safety. How could your home be dangerous? Is that even possible? How would you know? How much risk are you taking by even being in your home? These are all questions that you are going to want to closely examine in order to make sure that you are doing what is best for you and your loved ones.

One of the first things you are going to want to learn is just when it was that your country government recognized the dangers of asbestos and put regulations or laws in place because of those dangers. For the United States, the use of asbestos building materials was banned in 1977 although many contractors and manufacturers stopped using asbestos materials before that. However, if you have a home that was built between 1930 and 1950, there is a chance that asbestos still remains in there today.

For those in Australia, home build after 1990 are highly unlikely to contain any building materials that contain asbestos. If your home as built between 1980 and 1990, there is a good chance that there can be asbestos found in the materials that were used. Also, if your home was built before the middle of the 1980s, it is extremely likely and almost guaranteed that your home will have some asbestos in it.

If you are in the UK, you might wonder when asbestos was banned in your country. It was not until 1999 that asbestos was banned from being used in machinery, commercial buildings and homes. Because it was not until 1999 that asbestos was banned, it is still widely found in many homes and commercial buildings.

So what can you do if your suspect that there may be asbestos in your home? One of the most important things to do is to educate yourself about asbestos and what kind of harm it can really do to you and your loved ones. The more information you have the better. Without the right knowledge, you might unknowingly put yourself and your family in a great deal of danger.

You will need to hire a professional company that has a great reputation for being able to quickly and accurately test for asbestos. If it is determined that there is indeed asbestos in your home, it is time to examine whether it needs to be immediately removed or not. There are some cases where it is better to leave things as they are. If your home is not falling apart and there is not any asbestos dust floating around, you are probably fine. However, should you ever want to remodel or make repairs, you will again need a professional to assist you with this.

This might seem like a lot to go through, but it is not something that you are going to want to skimp out on. You could be in great danger and you want to make sure that you are getting all of the help that you can until you are safe in your home once again.

Using Steroids – Perfect quantity and dosage matters the most

Celebrities and sportsperson know the golden results of using steroids. However, one can also use anabolic steroids as an alternative to produce equivalent results. The alternative anabolic steroids have an added advantage that they carry a legal status which is acceptable too. One does not need to worry about walking on the wrong side. These steroids can be easily acquired too.

Anabolic alternative steroids are preferred more than the normal steroids. The main reason behind this is that these do not cause any side effects mostly due to androgenic or anabolic beat stress properties. One can also make use of other alternatives like Protein supplements. These dietary supplements have the least number of side effects.

Protein supplements lead to increase in the muscle size. Zinc supplements can be taken naturally also in the form of milk products, nuts, beans, oysters and different seafood. These supple obsessive compulsive disorder ments can also be taken in the form of tablets. This would help in boosting testosterone level in the body. Androstenedione was used as the first legal steroid by athletes. This steroid is pro hormone.

The person who is present in the world of competitive sport or body building would definitely go through the pressure in order to obtain optimal performance. Sometimes players do feel that they surgical weight loss will not be able to reach the peak till the time they consume something artificially to enhance their power through intensive training. The players can boost performance by using anabolic steroids. The active ingredient in steroid is testosterone (which is a main male hormone). This male hormone affects body in 2 ways, either as an androgenic or anabolic influence.

Anabolic action assists in promoting body tissue by enhancing the lean muscle masses & body density. Recent research projects have also shown interesting information in regard to testosterone:

– Testosterone acts directly on muscles.
– It helps in stimulating release of hormone.
– It also carries anti catabolic effect.

Research shows that testosterone is really very effective in building muscles. However, it needs to be consumed in significant amounts and it is always advisable to use steroids after consulting a licensed health practitioner so that the tragic consequences can be averted.

These steroids are not only used by the athletes but also by the boys to reach puberty. Anabolic steroids intend to complete the steroid hormone deficiencies. These are also used by the people suffering from diseases.

Athletes make use of steroid in different cycles, it varies from weeks to months depending on the drug type and the results expected. These steroids can be injected or taken orally. There are different types of steroids and these can be taken in various combinations also. However, this practice can also bring negative results. By using steroids one may also get addicted to these substances even though one may not be able to receive positive results from the drugs. Girls who use steroid may also develop facial hair & get changes in menstrual cycle or also stop their monthly cycle.

Learn How to Deal with a Snake Bite

Australia is known world wide as the land of milk and honey. We are so fortunate that we have a country of pristine beaches, immaculate rainforests, rolling country sides and, you guessed it, seven of the ten most dangerous snake species in the world. Making our country side one of the most dangerous places you can visit.

Australians are accustomed with living with these deadly creatures, many of which can be found in or around our homes, in gardens or wood piles. Even around my own home in the City of Brisbane these dangerous small creatures lurk and play. We often will walk outside to find something curled up at our front fence.

All though not every snake species is venomous, if you are bitten by a snake you should always treat it as if it was venomous by applying the pressure immobilization technique. Most people in Australia are not familiar with what is venomous and what is not and in the case of a snake bite, applying a pressure immobilisation bandage quickly could mean the difference between dying or just getting sick.

The pressure immobilization technique works by restricting the lymphatic flow beginning at the toes or fingers and work upwards for the whole limb as far as you can go. The Australian Resuscitation Guidelines state that it is preferable to bandage upwards from below the bite, although it will probably squeeze a small amount of venom centrally; it collapses vessels and is far more comfortable.

If you bind down a limb, rather than up the limb, we have a situation in which it will produce venous congestion and discomfort, so always ensure that the pressure the bandage is applied no greater then what you would apply for a sprained ankle, immobilise the limb with splints or slings and bring medical transport to the patient.

In particular ensure that you call an ambulance immediately. In Australia you would dial 000 (triple zero) for an ambulance or in the United States of America you will dial 911.

It is essential that there are some key activities that you do not do and let me be very clear on this:

do not kill the snake for purpose of identification
do not cut or excise the bite site
do not suck the venom from the bite site
do not use an arterial tourniquet when treating a snake bite
do not wash or clean the bite site
do not elevate the bite site
do not walk the patient
do not remove the bandage at any stage

Identification of venomous snakes can be made from venom present on the clothing or skin, so do not try and kill the snake for purposes of identification. Doctors use special kits that help in the identification of the venom. All Australian hospitals carry snake anti-venom. You should also be aware that anti-venom is available for all venomous Australian snakes

If you do live in a location where snakes are regularly seen then it is recommended that you have a snake bite bandage available. In our own home, we have one always available on our kitchen counter.

Three Steps to Improve Your Gut Problems Now

Did you know that 75% of your immune system is in your gut? This means that an unhealthy gut leads to dysfunction somewhere elsewhere in your body. You may have already experienced digestive symptoms and discomfort resulting from this dysfunction. When this happens you may run to the pharmacy, your medical doctor, or a nutrition store and describe your symptoms. At all of these places, someone will recommend a product or medication and send you home. After this you may or may not feel better, and if you do, it is usually only for a short period of time. Soon enough, you will go back and try once again. Does this sound familiar? If so, it is time to get to the cause of your discomfort and stop placing a “bandage” on it.

An estimated 100 million people suffer from digestive issues, so if you are suffering, you certainly are not alone. The most common problems are reflux, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and allergies/intolerance/sensitivities to food. The main purpose of the digestive system is to extract nutrients from food, process nutrients small enough to be absorbed, and to eliminate waste products. It is also responsible for protecting your body from invaders such as microbes, toxins, and allergens that you might have encountered.

If your digestive system is out of balance, it may result in serious consequences throughout your entire body causing problems such as anxiety, acne, autoimmune diseases, dementia, food allergies, autism, and chronic fatigue.

If your system is bombarded with antibiotics, a low fiber-high sugar diet, anti-inflammatory drugs, stress, or undetected food allergies, eventually the lining of your gut will break down. This then leads to bacteria, toxins, undigested fat and protein, as well as metabolic waste products being leaked into your blood stream. Ultimately, these things circulating in your body can trigger an autoimmune reaction (your body’s immune system attacking the rest of your body) because it does not recognize these particles and “tags” them as invaders.

It is possible to have gut dysfunction but not have any symptoms associated with it. When our immune system is compromised (has been worn out over time), it can’t express what is going on the body. However, if you consistently feel under the weather while having normal blood lab values, or just can’t lose weight, you may very well have underlying gut dysfunction. The biggest mistake made today is that gut function is rarely evaluated properly by health care providers.

The gut is a powerhouse that aids in health and well-being. It is a necessity to have healthy gut function to experience true health.

Here are the steps that need to be taken to ensure you are on the right path.

  • Eliminate all potential food allergens
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Replenish you gut with healthy bacteria

Masking the discomfort will only temporarily relieve the symptoms. You need to take the steps necessary to remove all foreign particles, reduce inflammation, decrease risk of disease, increase healthy bacteria, and find hidden food allergies. This is absolutely the best way to get on the path to living your life the way you were meant to live it!

Urinary Tract Infection: A Death Alarming Disease

A urinary tract infection is the second among respiratory infections which affects the bladder or urethra and kidneys of human body which plays the vital role to work properly. Urethra which is a tiny tube connects the outside of the body to the bladder to pass urine. In human bodies, either side of the spine that is at the lower abdomen level a pair of kidneys lies. They are in great role to play to remove the excessive and waste water from our blood and help to make out clean the infectious agents, reside into the human body as urine. In our bodies kidneys plays a significant role to control the blood pressure and blood sugar level. Actually, two ureters through which urine passes from kidney to bladder which is mainly to collect and store urine is about 10 inches of length. A sensation will occur into your pelvic region which you have to void as urine when the bladder fills up with urine. UTI is more prone to adults and children. But it does not mean they are totally gratis to catch up of this particular type of disease. About 1 to 2% of children come under the disease of Urinary Tract Infection.

Women get more affected to this disease in comparison to men as they naturally have shorter urethra than men. Infection occurs in the urinary tract system in two possible ways. Bacteria reaches to the upper urinary tract system which generally causes kidney infection, there may be a chances to kidney failure and life threatening situation. But when bacteria reach to the lower urinary tract system due to many unavoidable reasons, there will be a possibility of urethra or bladder damage. If the urinary tract system is affected by simple infection then there will be no problem at all but the infection is complicated then there will be a life threatening situation. Some important symptoms of UTI are given below:

  1. Fever at regular intervals
  2. Chills during day time
  3. Nausea anytime in the day
  4. Vomiting
  5. Other severe symptoms which may indicate an infection
  6. Urine Pressure
  7. Problem in menstrual system

There are several herbal medicines which can cure it completely. It is always suggested to visit a doctor before you make out that it is indeed an infection. Urinary tract infection is considered to be deadly when left untreated. This is the most common thing people think and delay in treating the disease which eventually ends up damaging more than curing it at the first stage itself.

About Asthma

What could be fun about asthma? Finding it hard to breathe is certainly nothing to laugh at. Perhaps you feel offended or even shocked by our putting together “fun” and “asthma.” Asthma is a life-threatening and debilitating disease, and we do not mean to trivialize its importance. However, we have found that the FUN approach can be a powerful and effective antidote. And in light of this we have chosen it as the foundation of our mindbody healing system.


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Fun is a way of life; it’s light and lighthearted. It’s the opposite of heavy and serious. Fun is the attitude that Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness, used to heal himself of a disease that his doctors had said was irreversible. Fun is embodied in our having a sense of humor about life’s disappointments, our losses, our pain, our errors, ourselves. Fun is a natural, organic part of life that many of us have forgotten. Except for children. For kids even crossing the street, going to the grocery store, or eating an ice cream cone can be fun. As adults we tend to lose this natural sense of enjoyment. Our fun depends on our circumstances. When our lives become painful, we tend to hold onto the pain and embody it. We feel tense, stressed out, overburdened. Our response is to tighten our muscles, to forgo smiles and laughter, to take life very seriously. And eventually this manifests as illness.

Fun, humor, and laughter provide the freedom from seriousness that is essential to living asthma free. The symptoms of asthma are the opposite of fun in every way. Instead of opening you up, loosening the muscles, relaxing you, asthma narrows you down, constricts, stresses you out. Joy opens the heart and the lungs, just as fear and rancor close and block them. Fun, humor, laughter, and joy create a pause in our suffering, transform it, and give us the room to relax and to breathe. Your Committee members will deny this to their last breath, but even in the throes of an asthma attack, shifting your perspective, taking time out from the debilitating beliefs you hold about what may happen, and smiling instead of frowning can relax your facial, neck, chest, back, and stomach muscles. This allows you to break the cycle of tension and fear and, in turn, can relieve the symptoms. Do we mean that you should ignore your symptoms as you gasp for breath? Of course not. What it does mean is that you take time out to see the asthma in a new light, one in which you set aside your prejudices and preconceived ideas about illness.

Abnormalities of female genital tract and intersex disorders

Congenital absence of the vagina

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH or Rokitansky Syndrome) occurs in 1:5000 female births and may be associated with renal tract anomalies (15–40%) or anomalies of the skeletal system (10–20%).

Girls have spontaneous development of secondary sexual characteristics as ovarian tissue is present and functions normally. The external genitalia have a normal appearance but the vagina is short and blind ending. Hormone treatment is not required as ovarian oestrogen output is normal and ovulation will take place. However, the only route to biological parenthood will be through using a surrogate mother following ovarian stimulation and oocyte (unfertilized egg cell) retrieval. This will clearly require careful discussion with all concerned.

The vaginal dimple can vary in length from just a slight depression between the labia to up to 5–6 cm. Vaginal dilators, made of plastic or glass, are used to stretch the vaginal skin and the patient is encouraged to apply pressure for 15 minutes twice daily with successive sizes of dilator. An adequately sized vagina is usually formed by six months but this may take longer and long-term use of dilators may be required, depending upon the frequency of sexual doxycycline Canada intercourse. A number of surgical approaches have been employed to create a neo-vagina, although are rarely required.

Diagnosis is often not made until puberty or sometimes not until commencement of sexual activity. It can usually be made without the need for a laparoscopy. Sometimes, however, an ultrasound scan will reveal the presence of a uterine remnant (anlagan), which is usually small and hardly ever of sufficient size to function normally. If there is active endometrial tissue within the uterine anlagan, the patient may experience cyclical pain and the anlagan should be excised (usually laparoscopically).

Fusion abnormalities of the vagina

Longitudinal fusion abnormalities

These may lead to a complete septum (dividing wall) that may be associated with two complete uterine horns with two cervices or a partial septum causing a unilateral obstruction. Excision is required both to prevent retention of uterine secretions and to permit sexual intercourse.

Transverse fusion abnormalities

These usually present with primary amenorrhoea and require careful assessment before surgery. The commonest problem is an imperforate hymen in which a cyclical lower abdominal pain combines with a visible haematocolpos and a bulging purple/blue hymen with menstrual secretions stretching the thin hymen.

Peyronie’s Disease: Natural History, Diagnosis, and Medical Therapy

Etiology of Peyronie’s Disease

Studies that suggest abnormal wound healing in men with PD lend support to the model of trauma as a necessary step in the pathophysiology of PD. Enzymes in the matrix metalloprotein family have important antifibrotic properties, while TGF-b has been shown in cell culture and animal models to be an important profibrotic mediator of plaque formation. These factors in addition to the effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and osteoblast-stimulating factor 1 may help explain the balance between pro- and antifibrotic enzymatic processes that likely contributes significantly to the development of penile lesions and subsequent penile abnormalities.

Abnormal wound healing resulting from underlying genetic abnormalities may contribute to some cases of Peyronie’s disease. The presence of Dupuytren’s contractures among some men with Peyronie’s disease suggests that a genetic predisposition to scarring and fibrosis may be associated with tunica albuginea fibrosis and scarring. Another example is the Kelami syndrome, also known as urethral manipulation syndrome, described as ventral penile curvature occurring after urethral manipulation. Sonographic evidence suggests that the underlying mechanism for penile curvature in this setting is one of periurethral scarring, perhaps secondary to inflammation from urethral manipulation. It has also been demonstrated that among men with Paget’s disease, a chronic skeletal condition leading to painful bony deformities, 32% had penile lesions consistent with PD.

Clinical Manifestations

Loss of flexibility of the tunica albuginea results in differential expansion of the tunica during erection with subsequent penile curvature or deformity. The degree of curvature and volume of plaque is highly variable upon presentation. Curvature can range from nearly straight (15°) to 180° in the most severe cases. Plaques can be single or multiple and are associ-ated with a variety of penile deformities. While the most common direction of curvature is dorsal, ventral, lateral, and complex curvatures are frequently seen. Noncurvature deformities range from “notching” to circumferential “hourglass” defects. Penile shortening is a commonly reported symptom and causes great concern to patients.

Although some men with PD have erectile dysfunction, this may be related to age or chronic disease rather than representing a causal relationship. Multiple reports have described a prevalence of erectile dysfunction as high as 80–100% among men with PD; however, a recent study suggests that only one-third of men with PD also have erectile dysfunction. Further, given that PD is associated with diabetes and erectile dysfunction among older men with PD, chronic medical conditions may explain the observed relationship between PD and erectile dysfunction.

There are several publications that highlight the emotional and psychosocial impact of PD. Patients often have a variety of psychosexual complaints, including poor self-image, emotional, and relationship difficulties. It has also been shown that almost half of men with PD had clinically significant depression. A challenge for clinicians and researchers is the lack of a validated quality of life measure for men with PD; however, these measures are being developed.

Cholesterol And Triglycerides – Eternal Questions

Doctors often explain, but patients often want to re-establish the knowledge – what are triglycerides and cholesterol? What is their role in our lives?

Cholesterol and triglycerides are two types of lipids, or fats. Without cholesterol and triglycerides there is no life. Cholesterol, among other things, is needed to build cell membranes and produce a natural hormone. Triglycerides, which are high-energy fatty acid chain, provide much of the energy needed for normal functioning of cells. There are two sources of these lipids: dietary sources and endogenous sources (ie, when they are produced by the body). Cholesterol and triglycerides are found mainly in animal products and saturated fats. These lipids are absorbed in the intestines and then delivered through the bloodstream to the liver where they are processed. One of the main tasks performed by the liver is to ensure that all parts of the body get cholesterol and triglycerides, without which they can not work. The liver then packs cholesterol and triglycerides, along with special proteins, into tiny compounds called lipoproteins. Lipoproteins enter the bloodstream and thus are delivered to cells in the body. Cells then take, according to their needs, cholesterol and triglyceride from lipoproteins.

What is LDL, and what is HDL?

LDL is the “low-density lipoprotein,” and HDL “high-density lipoprotein.” “Bad” cholesterol in the bloodstream is transferred from LDL and “good” cholesterol by HDL. Most cholesterol in the blood comes from LDL, and HDL cholesterol makes up only a small part. Thus, the total cholesterol level in blood reflects the amount of LDL cholesterol.

Why is it unhealthy to have high cholesterol?

When LDL cholesterol (or “bad” cholesterol) is too high, the LDL tends to stick to the surface of blood vessels, leading to the stimulation of “atherosclerosis,” or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerotic “plaques” narrowing of the arteries, which can cause heart attack or stroke. Because elevated LDL cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Why is one type of cholesterol called “good cholesterol”?

There is much evidence that increased levels of HDL cholesterol is associated with lower risk of heart disease, and that low HDL cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. This is why HDL cholesterol is called “good.” Why HDL cholesterol is protective? No one can say for sure, but it seems that cholesterol is not good in itself, it’s the “conductor”. There is evidence that the HDL molecule “scours” the walls of blood vessels, and cleans out excess cholesterol. If so, then the cholesterol that is carried by HDL (ie, what we call “good” cholesterol) is actually “bad” cholesterol that is just removed from the walls of blood vessels and is transported back to the liver for further processing.
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Why are triglycerides so mysterious?

Triglycerides get little attention. They are measured in standard blood lipid profile, except that many doctors do not know what to do when triglyceride levels are modestly elevated. Why? While high levels of triglycerides associated with heart disease, no study has yet proven that high triglyceride levels are an independent risk factor for heart disease. This means that doctors have no proof that in this case need to recommend aggressive treatment to reduce levels of triglycerides in the blood. The problem is that patients with elevated triglyceride levels almost invariably have other major risk factors for heart disease (mainly obesity, diabetes, and / or high blood pressure). So, it has not been established whether the triglycerides themselves pose an independent risk. The most difficult is to define the relationship between triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. It turns out that whenever triglycerides are increased, HDL cholesterol decreases. So is the increased risk seen with high triglycerides due to the triglycerides themselves, or to the reduction in “good” cholesterol? So far, nobody can say for sure.

Fifth Disease in Kids

Being a mother instantly gives you the position of being the family doctor. Thus, you must be aware of the conditions that might attack your family at any time, especially if you still have kids because they do not know when something is wrong with them until they feel weak. There are so many conditions that target the younger population and one of them is Fifth disease. Kids who are suffering from this condition are infected by the human parvovirus B19.

Since it affects the younger ones, it is your duty to be very observant about the changes so that when you seek professional assistance, you can accurately give an account of the development. It is not very easy to detect Fifth disease. Kids, at times, do not show signs of its presence. The common symptoms that are usually associated with it may or may not manifest. In cases that they do, the patient may suffer from headache, runny nose, sore throat, a low-grade fever and after a week, or sometimes longer, rashes may begin appearing.

When the rash appears, you should be very patient for it could give your child so much discomfort as it would be very itchy, especially when exposed to the sun or too much heat. It usually begins showing around the cheeks, making them quite bulky and reddish. After some time, it would spread to the arms and legs and could even advance to the buttocks or trunks. It may come and go for some weeks, so just bear with your child.

The transmission of the virus within a household would be very fast. One infected member could easily contaminate the whole family because of the intimacy among them. Once acquired, there would be an incubation period of about 21 days before the first symptoms will appear. This is why; when anyone feels any of the above symptoms, you must be extra careful and do not let the kids near that person since they can easily be infected. It is important to take action at once because when the rash appears, it means that the contagion period is over and it could be that the virus has already been passed to someone else.

Fifth disease in kids may not be as alarming as other conditions but it is still a burden to see your child suffer. So, be very keen about everything that is happening so that you can detect even the first signs of its presence to prevent it from spreading and to find treatment for it immediately.