My First Contact With Glomerulonephritis

I was 24 at the time this happened. I was always careful with what I eat and what I drink so you can imagine the surprise. I remember like yesterday, I was visiting my parents for Easter Holiday. It was a great day, I was meeting with my old friends from back home, things were great with my parents. My mother was cooking my special desert when it happened. I went to the toilet for an usual release. I was freaked out, literally. I just couldn’t believe I was looking at my red urine. Just like blood, it was a color I was not ready for at that time. It is in human nature to have unusual thoughts in situations like this.

The first thing that came into my mind was pure panic. I thought for some unexplained reason I’m going to die soon. I went to the general hospital and they took some urine sample. After 30 minutes of waiting came the verdict: renal colic. Of course I was not satisfied with this, mainly because I had no pain. That was the most important thing that drove me to further investigate the situation. I went to a specialized clinic. After rigorous blood testing and urine testing they concluded that I need a biopsy. It was crucial to test a sample of renal tissue in order to give me a fair diagnosis.

The intervention was made with superficial anesthetics, and let me tell you: it hurt like hell. I remained in the hospital unable to move that night, but I was released that after this I will know with no doubt what’s wrong with me. At that point, the hematuria (blood in the urine) has stopped.

After few days the results were in my hand and I could read clearly: early form of glomerulonephritis. The disease require no special treatment. I have to control the amount of proteins I’m eating, avoid salt drink a lot of fluids. Due to Glomerulonephritis, blood and protein were lost in the urine. I remember one of the signs of this disease is that Glomerulonephritis can cause high blood pressure. My blood pressure was over 150 at that moment. My advice to anyone who experience unusual urine is to further investigate the problem. See as many doctors as you can in order to get a real diagnosis. Glomerulonephritis can cause kidney failure, and that can have drastic results.


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