Cardiovascular Disease Causes

Knowing what the cardiovascular disease causes are will go a long way in helping you to prevent, reverse and even stop heart disease. As with anything, once you know what the causes of something are then you can put the necessary steps in place to address them. And the same is true for cardiovascular disease.

We live in a world of convenience. Everywhere you look you are surrounded by fast food restaurants and take-aways, donut shops, hot dog stands and so on.

While many would argue that they only consume these types of foods occasionally, the fact of the matter is, those foods pose a threat to your cardiovascular system because of their high saturated fat and trans fat content.

Junk food and processed foods have high saturated fat and trans fat content and these fats trigger an increase in fats and your cholesterol levels.

When too much fat and cholesterol are present in your body, some of it will find its way inside the walls of your arteries, causing plaque to form.

As more plaque accumulates, it will lead to an obstruction in the flow of blood to major organs such as the heart and brain.

The potential outcome from this type of arterial blockage for you can be a heart attack or a stroke.

So as you can see, one of the prime cardiovascular disease causes is poor diet, resulting in high cholesterol, which in itself is a major risk factor for heart disease.

It is important to put a heart healthy diet in place and ensure you eat lots of fruits, fish, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds as these will provide you with soluble fibre and Omega 3, both of which will help lower cholesterol.

Another one of the cardiovascular disease causes you need to address is cigarette smoking.

Did you know that you have a 350 percent chance of developing cardiovascular disease if you are a chain smoker? Smoking not only affects your cholesterol levels, but it also affects your lungs too.

These are a number of risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease that should not be ignored, such as diabetes, advancing age, obesity, high blood pressure, being inactive and a family history of heart disease.

As well as managing and controlling the cardiovascular disease causes, you need to be aware of the symptoms of this disease, so that you can act fast if you start to experience any of them. They are:

* angina or chest pain
* excessive sweating
* shortness of breath
* fatigue
* nausea
* anxiety

Remember to visit your doctor if you start to notice any of the above.

Lowering cholesterol is the best way to prevent cardiovascular disease from developing.

Rather than using prescription medications that have serious side effects, you can choose to do this naturally and safely.

Following a proper diet, quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and taking natural supplements will ensure you prevent, reverse and even stop the arterial damage that results from cardiovascular disease causes, giving yourself maximum protection against heart disease.


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